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Wednesday, 6 April 2016

Seeds for a new season.

Freezing days are almost over and the Queen's Orchard is ready for a new season of plants, flowers, fruits, and visitors!
Purple and pink Aubrieta flowers are blooming like a colourful pillow around the "formal" pond follow through some white and red tulip. On the little hill in the middle of the Orchard grass and wild flowers such as the yellow Cowslip have started to show up.
It may be the right time for wearing gloves and gathering some new nettle (urtica dioica): you can use it for cooking delicious plates like omelette, risotto or soup. Wash it and chop it, but make sure to protect your hands with gloves or keep docks leaves nearby!
Something you also do not want to forget in April is seeding new vegetables indoor the glass house and outside in beds protected by net and wooden sticks to prevent birds and foxes damages.
Fancy a visit to the Queen's Orchard? The gate is now open to visitors and it will be until October three days a week - Wednesday, Saturday, and Sunday - more info HERE.